Monday, November 14, 2011

home again, home again

Ahhhhhh. There is nothing better than coming home. Not even good chocolate. The whole family was waiting for me at the airport when I arrived back from my trip to L'ville.  Love them!!!

The trip was very interesting and I took some time Saturday morning and jotted down several things about the convention and the overall experience to share in a blog post. But, at the moment, I'm just not in the mood to revisit those observations.

So, instead, I'm going to brag a bit on the good things that happened here at home while I was away. The oldest got yet another scholarship from the big SEC school to the east. Whoop!  She also won two awards at the soccer banquet. Whoop!  The youngest is almost caught up on his work from his seven sick days. Yeah! The middle kid finally found a pair of heels for the NHS induction. Yippee!  The house was clean, the laundry done and all in order when I arrived home. YES!! My dog finally stopped giving me the cold shoulder for leaving him by Sunday afternoon. Tee-hee!

Very good things, and being gone for 3.5 days made me appreciate all of it so much more.

Happy Monday.

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