Thursday, May 8, 2014

off to college

I've seen quite a few Facebook comments from friends who are watching their oldest child graduate high school. One even shared a link to an excerpt from Rob Lowe's book. Lowe wrote sending his oldest off to college and the struggle he had with the whole experience. One dad posted a comment about watching his final soccer game with his daughter on the pitch. I remember that feeling so well.

I talked with the middle kid for a while yesterday afternoon about her freshman year. How quickly it went. Had she been homesick? Things she learned. People she met. All of the reflective questions that normally come up in such a conversation.

It is such a neat time in life. The whole college experience is wonderful in many ways. The confidence and independence it can foster. The broader world view that can result. The knowledge, both book and life, that can be gained.

Later last night, the oldest finally received notice that her Thermodynamic II grade had posted. She had told us she would be ecstatic with a B-. It is one of the toughest classes and on the advice of her research professor,she took it with the toughest teacher. She finished with a B+. She was beyond thrilled. But one of her comments stuck with me. "If I can get a B+ from Puzi's class, I know I can do anything! Other teachers ask how you did in Thermo II, who you had, your final grade. Getting a B+  from Puzi is like getting a golden ticket."

So happy for her, but even more happy and pleased at how immersed she is in her major, her college, her university life.

Both of the girls have embraced the whole college experience in a way, that if I could do it over again, I would try to do. They are way more confident and outgoing than I ever was at that age.

So, for the folks I know who are watching their children get ready to graduate from high school, it will be okay. Those young people are about to start a great journey, a grand adventure, a wonderful opportunity.

Watch them soar.

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