Monday, June 29, 2009


We had a great weekend around here. Got a spur of the moment invitation to a cookout/swim party from the family of one of our oldest kid's friends. Had a ball at their house...good food, good company. Of course that meant we were up way too late on Saturday and getting out the door for 8:00 Mass on Sunday morning was a bit difficult. Met our new associate priest, a baby-priest, as this is his first parish after being ordained. Hope he can deliver a homily.

Threw together a crockpot of beef stroganoff for supper. For dessert we had a yellow sheetcake with white frosting topped with fresh strawberries. It was like strawberry shortcake on steroids...sooooo good.

I started a new book, "Mina"...the story of what took place after "Dracula" ended. Always wondered about what the characters would have done next. So far, it is a very good book.

Speaking of what happens next, while I was standing in church listening to the Gospel reading, I had a full blown flash of inspiration for a book. It just exploded onto the scene. Weird. And even more weird is that two possible ways of writing this story came to me. Needless to say the rest of Mass passed by in a blur, I was way too preoccupied to be prayerful. I came home and did quite a bit of googling to see if any fiction has been written about this character as the person is mentioned in Mark's Gospel. But, the book is most definitely not a Christian-fiction story.......

And even weirder still is that I keep thinking about this story idea, it is like a splinter in my head, it just won't stop 'talking' to me. So, I guess I will be pulling out the notebook and opening a Word doc because something tells me that until I start jotting down these thoughts, impressions, scenes and ideas the noise in my head isn't going to stop.


Anne's BLOG said...

Yes! Get the notebook and start writing while the thoughts are fresh. Inspirations like that don't come along often. Seize the Moment !

Elizabeth said...

awesome! start writing! can't wait to hear more!

i started book 2 in the flowershop mysteries, LOVE them!

when i went to the library to check out #2, i hunted and hunted. Had to ask for help - they had book 1 adn 3 in mystery section, but book 2 in fiction, go figure! :)

Kim Smith said...

Virtual Blog Tour for A Will to Love has begun! Haven't written a word in three days :(