Wednesday, December 31, 2008

fussen bavaria

Hi all...this will be short as European keyboards are set up different than US keyboards and I'm having a heck of a time trying to type!

Fussen is beautiful...and indeed this part of Bavaria is just breathtaking. The Alps are amazing and loom over the town like silent guardians. The town itself is so pretty. Pastel colored shops on narrow cobblestone streets that wind through the town. The homes are mostly white with red tile roofs, maybe with blue shutters.

We saw the two closest castles yesterday, Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein. These buildings inspired Walt Disney....They were breathtaking as were the views from that height.

The bread here as well as the meat and cheese is to die for. I will be forever spoiled....and the wine prices are dirt cheap.

We are off for Zutspitz tomorrow....the highest peak in Germany. We will ride trains and then a gondola to the summit. Should be quite the adventure.

Bye for now! Auf Wiedershin...I think I spelled that wrong!!


Anne's BLOG said...

What an exciting adventure you are having ! I can hardly take it all in!
Our family travelers were at the Eiffel Tower to see the New Year in, and will be boarding their return flight in just a few short hours now. I know it's with mixed emotions that they'll leave Paris and Jessica.
I bought my White House Gardens book today. Beautiful! Space is readying for the Exhibit, too!

Michelle said...

You are in my favorite area of Germany! Brian and I spent a week in Munich and points south in 2002, including the castles you visited and Zugspitz - what a thrill! I hope the sky is clear - you are so high that the clouds often obscure the view. If you get a chance to walk the streets of Oberamergau - you'll be glad you did!
Michelle W

Kim Smith said...

Oh. you are making me so jealous! first with the food talk! ayeyayayae. then with the scenery that i wont be able to ooh over until you get home with those pics! sigh. I miss you!