Thursday, December 11, 2008


The five of us spent a bit of time in Target over the weekend looking at Christmas cards. Since my mom had her accident, I've been trying to send her funny cards. We found three good ones and I sent them out on Monday. She called yesterday and was still chuckling. Laughter is the best medicine.

I also spoke with my brother. His three kids are getting as excited as mine for our upcoming 'excellent adventure' to Europe. He has changed our itinerary a bit and instead of going to Strasbourg and Triere, we are going to Luxembourg City....a whole NEW country on our visit. They've never been there, but have heard it boasts a marvelous Christmas market. Triere's market is already closed by the time we arrive and they decided against Strasbourg as we are going to France a few days later. He has also sketched out our trip to Bavaria and rattled off a list of towns and castles he is taking us to.

I just know those two weeks will fly by and I'm determined to savor each and every moment. Christmas is just two weeks from today!

My brother's family will be coming back to the states shortly after we come home from our visit. It will be nice to have them closer...only a day drive away in Florida.

I need to find a book to take on the trip. I'll scout the bookstore today when I'm there to stock. Have to have something to read on the flights.

Our rainy weather has turned cold. For a moment yesterday, I really thought it could snow. Brrrr. I guess I better get used to those temps! I hope the glow of excitement keeps me warm in Germany, Luxembourg, France and Austria!!!!


Travis Erwin said...

I agree, we should all laugh when we can.

Kim Smith said...

But won't the cold be a different cold? i mean it is SO humid here. The moisture is what makes it chill you to the bone.