Monday, December 15, 2008

holiday memories

Just a few things on my mind as I contemplate packing for our trip. This Christmas is going to be a very special one, but then I've had plenty of special holidays over the years.

The Christmas in Pennsylvania the year before my grandfather died...I sang in the choir loft with him and my cousins, Cindy and Andrea. It was magical to look down upon the church full of people at midnight mass.

Another Pennsylvania Christmas memory was repeated on every visit. We would arrive and Grandma would send me down to the basement to bring up baked goodies. She would have filled the entire picnic table top with kolacz, kieflies, cookies, rolls, breads etc. She had enough baked goods down there to last for months. Wonderful.

The first Christmases with each of my three children, just so magical when the are so little.

The Christmas we took the kids to Florida and Disney World. We wrapped up their park hopper passes, a new Disney sweatshirt and a map of the parks in three shoe boxes. Those boxes were the last gifts they opened, and oh boy the looks when they did! We packed up in the car and left for that vacation just an hour later. We had Christmas dinner in a hotel room..I packed food to cook in the suite in the microwave....a bit sparse, but nothing tasted better as it was seasoned with excitement.

Just a few of many memories....I wonder what this year will bring in Germany!


Kim Smith said...

Just wanted to pop over and say hi and tell you I have awarded you an award! Go on over to my blog and check it out!

Anne's BLOG said...

Thank you for sharing those wonderful memories. It's fun to read/hear what others do at Christmas. Ours have all be special - one way or another - every year. I have an idea that this year will be a Very special collection of memories for your family.

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