Tuesday, January 15, 2008

ta da

I trotted off to the middle school this morning for the middle daughter's academic awards shindig. A good time was had by all...and I bypassed the donuts, even though they were calling my name.

Came home, fired up the laptop and plopped my rear end down at the kitchen table. Yes, I edited my way to page 100. I'd set a goal of page 80, but things were going so well, I kept at it until it was time to leave for my lunch appointment.

I also finished one of the romances/paranormals I nabbed this weekend: Erin McCarthy's "My Immortal." Way more erotic than grit in tone with lots of steam and not a lot of suspense.

Ta da...that is my Tuesday.


Kim Smith said...

Yay!! you are reading, and shopping! I am editing. sigh. It is going really well though, and we may be done by the end of January!!

Dwight's Writing Manifesto said...

Good to have you back at the grindstone, Liz.

If you need any critwork or beta reading, lemmeknow.