Sunday, January 6, 2008


So, I didn't manage to blog much last week. Pretty pathetic if you ask me, and I do have to use the old I'm not feeling well excuse. I caught the crud my kids have been passing around. I'm feeling better and ventured out to B&N to meet K. today and hash over her edits, her plans and of course what I need to get done in my writing life.

First off, I am typing this on my new laptop. Yes, I took the plunge and am now the proud mama of an adorable HP Pavilion. Please, no comments on how computer "x" is better....I had a budget and no interest in doing major research on the latest and greatest offerings.

Second, the bookstore is doing really, really well. We've sold over 6700 items and brought in over $8400 in our first three months. We will be in the 'black' on this venture in under 6 months.

Third, the holidays are over as of today. The kids head back to school, the hubby to work and my world will return to the normal routine. This means I need to set some goals for myself. The first being that I will plant my butt in a chair and fire up this pretty machine and finish the edits on Maddy Blue. I will also find some time each week to write something new, because if I spend all my time editing MB I might lose my mind.

I will also read, read, read....and not just for fun. If I'm entertained, that is certainly a perk, but I need to read with a more critical eye, fiction and nonfiction alike.

That is it for me, other than I will lose the detested five pounds I put on last month and get back on track to be within striking distance of pre-baby weight.

1 comment:

Kim Smith said...

Rock on girl! You are gonna find more time to write now with your little lapfriend. I promise!