Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the unexpected

I didn't write yesterday because after I got home from running my two errands, I was too ticked off to sit down and create. I probably should have harnessed that anger and churned out a fantastic fight scene, I was in a kick butt mood, but it didn't happen.

I'm not going to dwell on the details today. After venting, I've come to realize I don't have any control over this situation. Being upset will do nothing to resolve the issue. It is all out of my hands. It sucks, but that is the reality.

Perhaps I should have expected the unexpected. It's happening in my WIP too. The character I decided would be the murdering demon summoner isn't cooperating. Instead a different character has stepped in and frantically waved a big sign that said, "I did it, it was me, I'm the evil doer." Funny how stuff happens.

Now, unlike my real life situation, I do have control over my own story. Or at least I like to think I do.....my muse apparently has another thought in mind about that. Do I fight the way the story is coming out or do I go with the flow? I've even thought about writing two endings, one for each character. I'm still not sure what direction I'm taking with this, but I've only had two cups of coffee so far.

I will resolve this unexpected twist by noon today. It is important to know what is within your sphere of influence and what isn't.

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