The book I chose to read yesterday is the one I picked up over the weekend as part of my b-day gift. I'm about 40 pages into Colleen Gleason's "The Rest Falls Away." Basically this is a Buffy goes Regency story...so far it is fun, the writing has a nice balance of humor and peril.
Now that the house and the laundry have been whipped into shape, it is time to tackle the pantry. So, as soon as the offspring set off for school I'm off to the grocery store for the "big shop." This may include a trip to the local Sam's. Just something liberating in purchasing large quantities of detergent, cereal and peanut butter.
Speaking of bulky things, I've got a writer buddy who is leaping into the world of historical fiction. She's toyed with a story concept for almost ten years and has finally decided to write the sucker. Good for her! Tackling an idea that has been with you for so long isn't easy. It is a huge step in many ways. The story grows inside your head and you can see, hear and feel those characters and settings. Then you have the task of birthing that story. Exciting prospect, but a difficult one. I think it is much easier to start with a small bit and build it from there, but I too have my 'old' faithful stories lurking in my brain waiting for their moment to escape onto the computer screen.
When you do sit down to write those lurking stories, they often manifest in unexpected ways. Like a caged beast set free, it can run amok. The nice tame pretty kitty turns into a hungry lion eager to pillage your story. The trick is to harness that energy, reign it in and guide it. Don't get so overwhelmed by the scope of the work ahead. Take it one scene at a time.
Speaking of scenes, after I finish my pantry procurement duties I will be tackling my own WIP. I've neglected it for the past two weeks and am so far behind my goals that setting new ones seems realistic. I've got about 25,000 words left in my first draft. I can finish this, if I take it one scene at a time.
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