Wednesday, February 10, 2016

healing well

Well, I made a visit to the dentist yesterday. My gum/jaw/former tooth spot is healing well. I get my teeth cleaned next month and then sometime in June I will get the post implanted. After that heals, sometime in September, the tooth will be placed on the post and I'll be good to go.

I've never considered myself a very patient person. I guess this adventure is teaching me, at age 50, the virtues of patience.

In other news, yet another book is available for download from my library. That makes 4. Blerg. Why did I get greedy and place holds on all of them at once? I'm reading Naomi Novik's "Uprooted" at the moment and really enjoying it. Wish I was able to stay home and just ready the day away.

Instead I will be sitting in our atrium for at least an hour of the day going over, with the entire staff, the 2016 goals, objectives, and tasks. Watching paint dry is more fun.

But, it is Wednesday and that means the middle of the week has arrived. A three day weekend approaches as does a visit with the oldest daughter.

Good Stuff. Happy Wednesday.

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