Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Last night marked my brief, thank God, return to high school. Yep, I got to experience a small taste of my daughter's daily life as I traveled the halls through her schedule. Wow. Boy am I glad to be done with all of that. She has class in three rooms that don't even have windows! Where do you look to daydream and plot the next chapter in your book? I guess the back of the kid's head who sits in front of you.

A steady stream of customers ventured into the store yesterday. Still quite a few moms out looking for required reading titles. "Johnny Tremain" was the most requested book during my shift.

Today I'm off to lunch with Kim, yeah. Maybe a trip to B&N after lunch, yeah. Then home to get ready for the soccer field. The oldest has her first game this afternoon.

Hope to plant butt back in chair once the day is truly underway and get a few more words polished and down.


Travis Erwin said...

Sadly I work in a place without windows for 8 hours a day.

Kim Smith said...

Did you get that time in the chair? MB is calling youuuuu....