Monday, August 11, 2008

school buses and new crayons

Today is the first day of the new school year. All the supplies are sorted and packed. Brown bag lunch items are on the counter. First day outfits have been selected. Over the next three hours each of my kids will head out the front door.

The start of the school year means I have goals to set and things to achieve. So far the list includes repainting the window trim on three windows and repainting the baseboard trim in the kitchen. I also want to finish the final edits on Maddy Blue. I intend on writing the first draft of the Lani story. I want to revisit the short story I did last year and rework that concept. I will be working in the bookstore every other Tuesday and helping to stock the store on a more regular basis.

August through May are busy months and I've set quite a few goals for myself. Wish me luck.

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