Monday, November 19, 2007

the lack of writing

Unless you're living under a rock or just don't watch television, the writer's strike is starting to impact what's on the screen. I tuned in last night to watch the American Music Awards....I have a sickness that enables me to watch award shows with the daughters. I was pleasantly surprised to find the lack of writers made the show better. The presenters gave out awards, the musicians performed and all without any embarassing jokes or juvenile comments. The show was quick, to the point and other than Jimmy Kimmel trying to fill a few spots with what he thinks passes for comedy, painless.

Sad to say, but I didn't miss the writers. Now, I am missing the writers when it comes to the big three networks and the looming repeats. Thankfully I do have access to BBC America and the whole 'on demand' feature Comcast offers. I can watch Torchwood, Dr. Who and Blood Ties to my heart's content.

The lack of writing in my own life is going to resolve itself as soon as I begin a full reading of my completed first draft of Maddy Blue. I opened the file and read for about a half hour over the weekend and the old brain started to awaken and the creative juices began to bubble. All will be well there, it is just finding time to sit down and work on it. The doubt demons are sinking back into the shadows.

Like most folks, it is about carving out time to work on the book. Soccer season is winding down and although basketball season starts, it just isn't as demanding. Two days a week versus 4-5 days a week. The store is settling into a groove and I don't have to be there every day. The holidays are looming, but the shopping is almost done and what isn't purchased is just a mouse click away.

I'm looking forward to our journey south for the Turkey Day festivities. Those hours spent in the car will offer plenty of time to mull over Maddy and make some notes on the story. I can't read it, I get horribly car sick, but I can jot down ideas and hash out story odds and ends with the hubby.

I'm taking the next week off from the blog....and will resume next Monday....enjoy the holiday.


Kim Smith said...

Have a wonderful and fun holiday, sister in writing. I am looking forward to some major brainstorming with you when you get back!

Dwight's Writing Manifesto said...

Travel safe. Travel well.

Any interest in trading novel crits?

EYR said...
