Wednesday, December 12, 2012



I think I need to create lots of files at work today just so I can see the above date on everything! Actually, I need to start reading all of the article submissions for the magazine and begin the process of editing. Ugh. Just a little bit of holiday work stress. Ugh. My boss, poor guy, has been suffering from ear problems. He was off to a second ENT yesterday to get yet another opinion. He has been less than focused on what we need to be doing in order to get this stuff to the design team so they can begin to layout this magazine.

It is COLD here this morning. It was 29 when I let Duke out for the paper. The middle daughter needs to get up and moving so she can defrost her car before heading off to school.

And on that note, I better go and wake her. I haven't heard her alarm yet and on mornings like this, it is so nice to stay in that warm, comfy bed!!

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