Friday, December 21, 2012

so long until 2013

I'm on vacation after today until 2013! Yippee!! So, I won't be posting until New Year's Day. This past year has been a good one. Lots of changes, lots of new challenges, but a good one. As Christmas approaches and the year comes to a close, I'm thankful for so many things. I'm also looking forward to the year ahead and the opportunities it will bring.

On this Winter Solstice, I wish you Glad Tidings, Peace, and Joy!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

the countdown

I forgot to put the elf gifts in the stockings this morning! I overslept and was totally out of my routine. Ugh! Well, I guess they will all get double prezzies tomorrow morning.  I'm guessing they won't complain too much.

The number of folks at work is decreasing daily. We are on a skeleton crew now, and tomorrow will be even more quiet around here.

I finished the Deanna Raybourn Christmas novella last night and started to read the second book in the Ally Condie trilogy.  I didn't get very far. The oldest came in to chat and then after she left I dozed off.

I think we are in pretty good shape for leaving Saturday morning. Duke is going to see his Aunt Angela next door on Friday and I told the kids to sleep in what they wanted to travel in! Laundry is pretty well caught up for 3 of us and the girls are on their own. Presents are wrapped and in bags.

Christmas is coming!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Wednesday is here. The middle of the week. The boy had a half day of school yesterday and is now on break. All of the grades are in for the kids and they did quite well. Another batch of cookies/candy was made last night, so we only have one left to do. And if those don't get made, no big deal.

Wrapped presents are appearing under the tree. Holiday parties are keeping the kids entertained. Holiday lunches and snacks are keeping us all well fed - maybe too much so.

Off to work I go....although there isn't much work to do this time of year! Lots of laughter and chatter at work as everyone is looking forward to a nice break for the holidays.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

two cookies down two to go

The girls made skillet cookies and pecan sandies yesterday. It was very fun for me to come home from work and see those two lovely girls baking away in the kitchen. I've given them quite a 'to do' list for the week and they have a plan to knock it all out.

The elves delivered a small container of bite sized oreos and a holiday Hershey bar today.

On the work front, today we are having our department Christmas lunch. We are heading over to one of the nicer restaurants near our office and will enjoy a good meal and I'm sure some interesting conversation.

Now that the boy is finished with Oliver Twist and has completed two of his three worksheets/books for his language arts author study assignment, I have my Nook back! I am reading Deanna Raybourn's Christmas novella featuring Lady Julia and her hubby Brisbane. So nice to have my Nook back and I think we made a good choice in getting one for the boy for Christmas.

Off to read the paper and get the day going. Happy Tuesday.

Monday, December 17, 2012

the elves are now delivering

The elves made their first delivery of the year. Way back when  my girls were little, they tag-teamed me on a daily basis about opening their presents. They were relentless and adorable. So much so that I needed to come up with a plan. I had purchased a ton of little things for their stockings and thought, why not spread those gifts out and drop one item in each of their stockings every day until Christmas arrived. Thus, the elves were born.

So, for the week before Christmas, my three wake up to some little something in their stockings every morning.

Today it is a box of Tic-Tacs and a package of gum.

The older two actually asked me if the elves were coming this year and in my brief moment of hesitation, they  pleaded for the tradition to continue!

I'm working a full week this week so they are going to be quite busy helping around the house cleaning, baking, and doing laundry. Good behavior all around, after all, the elves are watching!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012



I think I need to create lots of files at work today just so I can see the above date on everything! Actually, I need to start reading all of the article submissions for the magazine and begin the process of editing. Ugh. Just a little bit of holiday work stress. Ugh. My boss, poor guy, has been suffering from ear problems. He was off to a second ENT yesterday to get yet another opinion. He has been less than focused on what we need to be doing in order to get this stuff to the design team so they can begin to layout this magazine.

It is COLD here this morning. It was 29 when I let Duke out for the paper. The middle daughter needs to get up and moving so she can defrost her car before heading off to school.

And on that note, I better go and wake her. I haven't heard her alarm yet and on mornings like this, it is so nice to stay in that warm, comfy bed!!

Monday, December 10, 2012


I finished Kristin Cashore's "Bitterblue" over the weekend. Good Stuff! Cashore has created a very interesting world full of even more interesting characters. These novels are for the older YA crowd as they tackle some pretty serious topics and are fairly dark in tone.

Now I need something new to read! The boy has been reading Oliver Twist on my Nook for his Language Arts author study project. I may have to go to the library and actually check out a book instead of downloading it from the e-library.

Off into Monday I go. I hope the week flies by! The oldest will arrive home from school on Friday. She takes her first exam today.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

almost back

Almost back to normal! Just a bit congested this morning and thanks to a Tylenol PM I actually slept rather soundly last night. Yeah!

Lots to do this morning! Off I go........

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

feeling a tad bit better

I left work thirty minutes early yesterday and came home. I couldn't get into bed fast enough, but between the extra rest, lots of hot lemonade, and a few boxes of Puffs Plus, I seem to be on the mend. I am feeling okay this morning. Not great, but okay enough to head into work.

My voice sounds rather raspy and odd, sort of like Kathleen Turner!

I've been reading the third book from Kristin Cashore, "Bitterblue." I really enjoy her writing.  I need to visit the library's website and reserve a couple of books that just came out. I'm sure the holds on them are in the double digits. One is the latest Janet Evanovich book featuring Stephanie Plum. The other is the latest from Jim Butcher featuring Harry Dresden.

Go forth into Tuesday and make it a great day!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Going to be  a rough start to the work week. I started to get a cold over the weekend and as of this morning it is a full on raging, sinus aching, eyes tearing, head cold. Blerg.

Twelve hours Sudafed will be my friend for the next few days along with lots of hot liquids, Puffs Plus, and Tylenol.  I can't afford to take a PTO day if I want to take a vacation at Christmas.

It is mornings like this that having to work full time really, really sucks.