Monday, April 7, 2008

uglies, pretties, specials

During my library days, which my hiatus from seems to have a possible end date, but more on that later, I ordered the Scott Westerfeld sci-fi YA series. Always meant to read them, but never got around to it. The oldest has a required number of AR points to earn this quarter, so she decided to read this trilogy and knock that bit of schoolwork out. She read the first one and then I read it. She started book two, I read it while she was at Solo and Ensemble on Saturday. I've now skipped over her and have started book three. This frustrates her to no end, mom is further along than she is. As usual when we read the same book, we've had some wonderful discussions about characters and plot. I'd give this series two major thumbs up....loads of action, some thought provoking themes and really well drawn characters. I just love YA books that aren't black and white....lots of gray, lots of what if type moments, lots of reality.

Back to the library...the head of adult ref has given her 'retirement' date, and my lunch time discussion Friday touched on whether or not I'd be willing to try that job on for size when the time comes. Led to an interesting discussion for hubby and I over dinner Saturday night.


Kim Smith said...

Hey! Sorry I have gone missing. Just got back in town. Have been out of it for a few days. Got some news though, TWO Short stories are out now!

Anonymous said...

Scott Westerfeld is awesome. I love a skilled author who can write so successfully across the gender gap.

Melissa Walker said...

I've read the first two books and am totally into the series too. Definitely a though provoking "trilogy."