Friday, May 9, 2008

baby steps and comfort food and or movies

I've been slowly stepping back into the writing/editing pool thanks to my buddy Kim. God love you, girl for being so patient and supportive with me and Maddy Blue. I just sent her chapter four for review....tiny baby steps to get me back at the keyboard in a creative apacity. Swapping chapters with her is slowly turning on that part of my brain.

On another front, you ever notice we all have our comfort food, place of last resort, niche? And it goes beyond stuffing ourselves with grilled cheese, potato soup or pot roast.

My neighbor/friend and I had lunch yesterday at her house while watching "27 Dresses." I'm not a Grey's Anatomy viewer, so my exposure to Katherine Heigl is very limited, but I loved her in this movie. I loved the movie. Definitely not a cinematic masterpiece, but more like the movie version of comfort food. It had everything I needed....a sympathetic heroine, a cute male writer possible love interest (James Marsden is very easy on the eyes) , a snarky best friend, a bitchy sister and Elton John's song, Benny and the Jets. Just like a big old bowl of homemade mac-n-cheese, what is not to enjoy?

Sometimes we don't need the Oscar winning performance, script etc. Sometimes we just need cute, comfortable and easy. What a great rainy day movie.

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