Thursday, July 31, 2014


Running late...zoom, zoom, zoom.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

schedule acquired

We picked up the boy's schedule and bus stop assignment. Completed both tasks in record time and were back home early enough for me to relax a bit before my board meeting.

He has his Latin teacher from last year: good.
He has the famous Algebra II Honors teacher: Awesome
He has the famous Dr. C for English II Honors: Awesome

The rest of them, while the girls knew of them, they never had them. I was hoping for the Chem I Honors teacher we have known since we moved here, but she is teaching different Chem classes now.

Three out of four is not bad.

The bus stop is in a weird location, but that can be changed if needed. Have to see how the bus comes into the neighborhood.

In other news, I am now the Chair of the Library Board.

The girly made it home from DC in fine shape and had stories to tell of her adventures.

Happy Wednesday!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

home again

The oldest just texted me from the airport. She is on the plane and getting ready to fly home from her mini vacation in Washington D.C. She had a great time sightseeing and visiting with her best friend. Anxious to see her and hear all about it.

She will be out of town next weekend as well as she heads out to a wedding. Lots of little trips before she goes back to school.

It is always fun when they come home for a visit once school has started. The oldest can drive home in only 3.5 hours, but the middle one has a good 6 hour trip to make. We don't get to see her as often during the school year. And come spring, when she's in London, we will only see her when we hop the pond and visit.

Tonight I have a library board meeting and we have registration at the high school for the boy. Time to get his schedule and the bus assignment.

Fun stuff all around. Happy Tuesday.

Monday, July 28, 2014


Another new week is here. I imagine that it will be a quick one. I have a library board meeting Tuesday and the boy has registration at the high school Tuesday as well. We have a farewell lunch at the office for the two Melissas on Friday.

So, this is really our last week of summer. That is hard to believe.

We stopped by Target after church yesterday to pick up the first round of school supplies. While the grade schools and middle schools give out lists well before the first day, the high school never has. The kids have to wait to see what the teachers will require. At this point, after have two finish high school, we have a pretty good idea of what they will want. So, instead of joining the hordes next Monday night, I have already shopped for the boy. I'm sure there will be some odd ball things we need to pick up, but we can wait until the frenzy subsides before we try and procure those items.

Off we go into the week. Summer's farewell tour. Think we need to make it special.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

new computer

My old HP laptop finally kicked the bucket. I now have a new to me laptop! Very excited, but reminded of how comfortable I was with my well used computer. While hubby did the major moving of files and programs, I had to set up the desktop and make things feel like home.

I'm sort of finished with that process, but want to do a few other things before I say all is well.

Change is hard. Even changing computers is hard. As we slide into the start of a new school year, I've been reminded of that fact every day. Makes for some melancholy moments. But, we keep on trudging along and doing the best we can. New things, new people in our circles, new is what keeps life interesting if we don't focus on what used to be and focus instead on what is going on right now.

The oldest jets off to see her best friend for a long weekend. The middle one is winding up her internship at town hall today. The youngest is completing his AP World History summer work. Hubby and I are mired in work at our offices.

The dog days of summer, while not over on the calendar, are coming to a close for our household.

Change is afoot. School is about to begin. University move in dates loom. Life is going to change, yet again.

It is good.

Monday, July 21, 2014


The work drama resolved itself after some tough negotiations. Bottom line, we don't have to worry about the journals, too much, for the next year. Yeah! Still no graphic designer, but they did put another advert online. Yeah.

So, things made progress. I finished "American Gods" and "Shattered."  Not sure what I will read next. The weekend was fun and we had decent weather.

Time to start a new week.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

is it friday yet?

The work drama continues in regards to the transition we are currently in the middle of experiencing. Still no graphic designer. Still no signed contract for the gal who is leaving. She wants to continue on as a 'free-lancer' for a bit in regards to her journal work.

I keep plugging away in my cubicle. Working on what I can work on and keeping my head down. The lack of movement on these two issues is making me a bit nuts.

And they are working on the budget right now. So, everyone is on edge.

I will be glad to see 3:30 on Friday.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

midweek cool down

No meltdown today. The air is cool and the humidity is gone! Wow. That polar vortex thing is working some real magic for a midsouth July. Beautiful.

And, I'm finally seeing why "American Gods" is such a well regarded novel. It was hard to put it down last night. I'm now about half way through.

The InDesign work went well yesterday. More of the same today.

Off we go!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

slow going

So, I've been reading American Gods. Slow going with this one. The writing is great, the story is interesting, but this is not a quick read. I'm determined to finish it!

Other slow going things are the 2015 media kit I'm working on for the office. Today is going to be all about the images in the kit. Lots of pics to select and size and place. My days, for the foreseeable future, will be consumed with InDesign projects.

Oh and putting the media kit into the CMS and getting the thing on the website. Joy.

Makes the day zip by and right now that is a good thing.

Off into Tuesday we go!

Monday, July 14, 2014

keeping track

I'm not sure how many more weeks we have until the girls head back to school. It seems that in the summer, I have a much more difficult time keeping track of time. It is mid-July already and that seems very unreal to me.

Perhaps because we only took one vacation this year, and it was so very early in the summer, I am feeling a bit out of sorts.

For example, recall how I was complaining about the lack of a newspaper? After some phone calls and an internet check I realized that the last time I paid for the newspaper was back in March. It is now July. I usually only pay for 3 months at time. So, the subscription had run out and I had forgotten to pay the new bill. Oi Vey.  I went back online and set up a new subscription, paid for six months, and let them autocharge my account. There. Fixed.

Hubby got a good laugh out of that one.

I guess we all have moments when we aren't tracking things well and time slips away from us. We get in a hurry and don't pay attention to the details. Or, we are so 'off duty' that stuff goes unnoticed.

Here's to the remainder of the summer! Happy Monday. I'm off to read my paper.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


I'm suffering from a lack of the newspaper this morning! Ugh. It has not been delivered yet. Yesterday it was a lack of coffee. Our coffee maker died.

One thing I haven't lacked is reading material. I finished the sixth book in the Kevin Hearne Iron Druid Chronicles.  And, I've enjoyed every single one of them. Time to take a break, however, and read something different.

I have noticed a big gap in my reading history that could be labeled with a large "G." I've never read anything from Neil Gaiman.  It's true. That is soon to be corrected as I picked up "American Gods" while we were in Oxford last weekend.

Off into Thursday we go. The weekend is within sight.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


That game yesterday. One word summary: ouch.

I'm going to have one very unhappy Brazilian at work today.

Hey, we are interviewing someone for the graphic designer job! Out of 15 applicants, one has been selected to come in for a chat. They are going to run the ad again.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Yesterday went by in a blur. I did so many things I had been putting off, trying to describe what was actually accomplished would be difficult. Nothing big, but several small chores that needed doing.

Short week now. I also get to go on Thursday and have a tooth fixed.

It was a great 4 day weekend!!

Off into Tuesday we go.

Monday, July 7, 2014

bonus day

Woot! The bonus day is today! The final day of my four day weekend has arrived. Let the rest and relaxation begin, right after the laundry, a Costco run, the banking, and a few other chores.


Enjoy the day.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

long weekend ahead

So excited for our long weekend to begin. But, first to get through the day ahead. Found out that one of our four lunch bunch group is going to move away! So, in the next month, our group of four will be cut in half. My coworker is off to the university to finish her PhD and our friend from another department is off to another state to start a new job.


My office dynamic is about to undergo a big change. Excited for them, but I'm a bit sad. Having fun coworkers is what keeps me going on those days when the work is a grind.

Until next week, Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Even though the US didn't win the match yesterday against Belgium, our local guy, Tim Howard, turned in a beastly performance in the goal. It was a clinic on how to be a goal keeper. Amazing.

So proud of our team!

The week is winding down and I'm looking forward to a 4 day weekend. Yeah!

The weather is going to cool down, the kids have lots of plans for gatherings with friends, and our midway through summer point is upon us.

Enjoy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

slippery slopes

And so it goes. The so called win for religious freedom, or also known as sticking it to Obama is really a blow to women.

Yet again.

A bunch of men decided that a corporation, because it is a person, is entitled to exclude medications due to their religious beliefs.

Wow. Just wow. Money. Power. Corruption. CONTROL.

Sickening. I will never darken the doors of Hobby Lobby again. The store that imports everything from China (hmmm, no problem with their birth control policies I guess since it impacts their bottom line). Oh, and they also have investments in the companies that produce the birth control they object to. Again, the almighty dollar wins out.

Convenient to be able to pick and choose your moral objections.

And the divide in this country grows larger and larger. We are on a very slippery slope.