Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Beware, this post is going to be a hodgepodge of random stuff.

To update, the kid earned a 99 on her research paper. She got dinged a few points for one section being a bit too short, the teacher deducted one point from everyone for their historical verification section (because something could always be made better), but then she earned a few points for her incredible cover art.

The latest bookstore update is we sold a s&*tload of movies and books on cassette Saturday to the tune of $1600. Incredible. The store itself is still averaging about $100 a day in sales.

I'm off to a Christmas Tea tomorrow....this is a major event as it entailed being invited to attend a very 'native' social club. Not sure why this is thrilling me so much, but getting an invitation from these ladies is just a treat. I'm sure I'll be the youngest there, probably by a good 25-30 years. A Yankee youngster in their midst.....just hope I don't spill my tea or show up with a run in my hose.

No reading, editing, writing etc this week. I'm in the process of readying the family for the jaunt to snowy climes for Christmas. I hope to blog from there...if my fingers aren't frozen.

1 comment:

Kim Smith said...

You better! I am having withdrawals :) from here at the Buzz.

I got my first round of edits. EGADS. Whilst you are chilling in the northern climes I will be doing the edit dance with s and d.

say a prayer for me.