Friday, December 11, 2009


I returned all the borrowed Harry Dresden books yesterday and heartily wish a new one was on the horizon. Some authors just get better and better with each book and Jim Butcher is one of them. The stories, the characters, the whole thing is just so much fun! On the other hand, I started the latest House of Night book by the mom and daughter writing team of P.C. and Kristin Cast and am less than entertained. Only about a third of the way through and I'm disappointed in the the story, the characters, the writing in general. Oldest kid has read it and agreed, not as good as some of the earlier novels in the series. She did say it gets better towards the end. I sure hope so.

I have quite a bit of work to do today with this laptop. I have two genealogy packets to put together, one for my grandfather and one for a great aunt. I also have a bunch of Friends stuff to resolve, organize and handle. I want to put all that 'to bed' before next week.

Making pizza for supper tonight and that won't involve dialing for delivery. Going to watch the first four episodes from season one of Supernatural with my oldest. The DVD came from Netflix earlier in the week, but we put off enjoying the shows so she could work on The Fountainhead paper from HELL!! I've never read Ayn Rand's tome starting her devotion to Objectivism and after helping the kid with the mechanics of her paper, have no desire to do so.

Soccer, soccer, soccer this weekend. Three games and I hope three wins for the kid. Have some Christmas shopping to do for the nephew and nieces in Florida.

Ho, ho, ho....away we go!!!!

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