Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

I have my Christmas Eve bread rising and a sink full of dirty dishes. I have the fish out in the fridge to thaw. I need to make 7 layer dip for Scott's office party. I need to get showered, dressed and head to Target to buy a few essentials like toothpaste, because I keep forgetting to pick that up at the store. It is a rainy, gray and very blustery day.

And....I'm happy. This morning when I checked my email, I had a note from Anne. She is home, weak, but back online and writing. Yeah!!

No blogging from me for a week or so as we enjoy Christmas and then head out to visit family.

So, Merry Christmas to all!!!


Elizabeth said...

Merry Christmas Liz,
will miss your blogging!

Anne's BLOG said...

It will take me a week to catch up on your blogs, liz. So glad to be home to do just that !
And do nothing I don't want to do(except swallow 9 pills) !!!
