Friday, June 15, 2007

friday recap

Going to be quick one....hang on to your horses!

Started edits on Maddy Blue.
Didn't work on Lani.
Still losing weight, only ten to go until I am back to pre-kid size. Yeah!
Walked every day 2-3 miles.
Took two offspring out to lunch and shopping.
Read Hamilton's latest and now half way through McMurtry's second Berrybender book.
Kept the flowers alive with steady and dedicated watering.
Survived another week of driving hither and yon hauling the offspring.
Opened up one more place to post and keep track of, I think I have a blog addiction.

Good weekend to all!


Dwight's Writing Manifesto said...

You are now and remain...


Now THAT is a productive day, chick.

EYR said...

Too funny....I wish I had super then I could really get some sh*t done:)