I have not done a very good job at blogging each morning. Some mornings I am just too tired when I wake up to put any coherent words down on this page, even a digital page. Other mornings I simply don't have the time. I also struggle with what to write. My days are often routine and the monotony of my daily drill is not inspiring.
That is all about to change as the hubby and I will be heading to help our middle one recover from ACL surgery. My life for the next 10 days will be devoted to healing, helping, supporting, and encouraging her recovery.
Yesterday was spent preparing to go. We leave Tuesday. All the little things needed to be tended to and I am happy to say the list of chores is complete.
Today, I hope, will be a more fun and relaxing day for both of us. Hubby has been working at the office to get ready to be gone.
I have been reading. And, I managed to finally get back to the barre and plan on going the next two days.
The birds are awake and singing. Perhaps the sun will shine today as well. It was pretty yesterday even though it was cool.