Friday, January 10, 2020


First, I had some very weird dreams last night. Yikes! I hate that feeling when you dream like that and it feels as if you have some kind of supernatural hangover. If I knew of a good cleansing ritual, I think I'd partake.

Tonight is double date night. Our friends up the way are joining us for some Asian cuisine and then we are going to shoot some pool. Or, they will shoot pool and I will provide the laughs as I try to shoot pool.

Tomorrow, if the predicted deluge isn't too horrible, will be barre and then TJs. I haven't been to TJs in months and my fridge, freezer, and pantry reflect that. Time to stock up.

Today should be an easy one at work and we have a fun lunch spot picked out for our Friday gang get together.

Today's positive: FRIDAY!!
Goal: Try to shake this woo-woo- feeling from those dreams. Freud would have a field day.

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