Wednesday, September 5, 2012

needing to read

Oh my gosh. I am feeling a distinct lack of reading in my life! It seems that either I don't have the time for it, or when I do have the time for it, reading is the last thing I want to do.

Ugh!! I looked at my book list on the right side of the blog page and feel sad. I have read more than what is recorded, but wasn't motivated to list those titles. Why? Well, most of the books were pretty lame. Yep. Lame.

I haven't picked a great book in what seems like ages. Is it the books or is it me?

I just finished skimming an Ursula Blanchard mystery. I used to adore this series, but this one couldn't hold my attention. Very disappointed to say the least.

Perhaps if I stop by the library after work today I can find something that will fill this void in my life.

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