Monday, January 17, 2011

when you are off to a slow start

I have yet to finish my second book of the year. I am off to a very slow start as far as 2011's reading is concerned. It could be the book. It could be me. Either way, I need to kick myself into gear and get on with it.  This week's goal is to finish the current book, plus I have plans to visit the library tomorrow and checkout at least a two additional titles and begin those.

After our executive board meeting last week, I have quite a bit of Friends work to complete this week. Today is not the day to do any of that as the kids are off school for MLK day.  I think part of my slow start has to do with the odd way in which our post holiday return to school life has unfolded. From illness to snow days to a federal holiday, it is all conspiring against me.

Or at least, that is my current excuse.

Happy Monday.

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