Monday, September 14, 2009


It seems that I've beaten back the cold and am feeling almost totally human again today. In addition to the daily naps, gallons of juice and boxes of tissues I've 'enjoyed' over the last week, I also managed to read quite a few books.

"Sacred Hearts" by Sarah Dunant is a lovely book about friendship set in an Italian Benedictine convent during the Renaissance. Dunant's story focuses on Suora Zuana, the herbalist of the convent and newly arrived Serafina, a young woman who had the misfortune to fall in love with her singing teacher before being shipped off to the convent. Dunant focuses on building such lovely characters, their internal thoughts, their external all melds together in such a magical way. Even though her books are set in a historical time period, you 'know' these people, because although the times change, what doesn't change is what is inside each of us. Good read.

I also rediscovered the Ursula Blanchard mysteries by Fiona Buckley. This is another series set at Elizabeth I's court. Ursula is often 'in service' to the queen and Cecil, solving mysteries and rooting out treasonous folks. These are good mysteries, plenty of twists and turns and interesting characters as well.

Up next is a YA book titled "Swoon." So far, decadent, guilty pleasure....paranormal, but no vamps or werewolves.

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