Monday, August 3, 2009

what to do

This is the final week of summer vacation. Other than three rounds of back to school registration on Tuesday and a meeting on Wednesday, the week is wide open. All the immediate school supplies and back to school clothes/shoes have been purchased.

I'd like to do something 'special' each day with the kids. Small treats to break up the day, put smiles on our faces and celebrate summer.

Hubby worked on our 'pool' yesterday as the rain we received last week messed up the water quality quite a bit. It is all cleaned out and chemically balanced now, even if the water still looks a bit cloudy it is safe for swimming.

Swimming, walks, picnics, ice cream treats etc.....sounds like a plan for the week before Summer '09 fades away.


Anne's BLOG said...

Sounds like a good plan for the last few days of summer vacation. Hope you all enjoy every bit of it.

Elizabeth said...

sounds like a fun week, hope it is panning out well!