Tuesday, July 28, 2009

creature of habit

I'm such a creature of habit and somedays it just isn't a comforting thought. I don't think my routines rise to the level of OCD, but at times I wonder if they have a "pre, almost there, one catastrophe away-OCD" diagnosis.

I like everyone and everything in its place. When I get up in the morning, I make the coffee first then go to see if the paper has arrived. The dog even knows the drill. If it isn't there, he knows to go to the back door to be let outside. I like the paper delivered no later than 6:00 am and if it isn't, I start to feel a bit out of sorts. I do my computer stuff first, then read the paper, then back to the computer. If someone else dares to fall out of bed and occupy the early morning hours with me, well, let's just say, that isn't always welcome. I enjoy that hour of solitude and guard it with a scowl, growl or well aimed stare suggesting they return to bed and try again later.

Now that being said, I'm really not looking forward to the routine involved with the beginning of school. I will have two heading off to high school in a few days. Not sure if any of us are ready for the battle of the bathroom. I think I might have to encourage a summit of the two teenagers where they can hash out a schedule for using the shower, the flat iron etc.

Hilary Clinton has nothing on me when it comes to negotiations with foreign countries or as I call them, teenaged girls. In fact, she might have the easier job, because you see, I've mothered one daughter who isn't a creature of habit and one who is worse than I am. The later one is already stressing about what to wear the first day of school. Her grand debut into high school life must provide a fashion high note for all around her.

Perhaps I've met my match.


Anne's BLOG said...

Another creature of habit/soulmate here, I think. MY early solitude is precious to me, too. Interruptions annoy and are seldom welcomed...so he usually sleeps later. :-)

Elizabeth said...

I ditto both of you!