On Mother's Day I made a quick pit stop in at B&N to pick up the latest Sookie Stackhouse book by Charlaine Harris. I came straight home, poured myself a big old glass of ice water and started to read.
I finished the next morning, and no I didn't stay up all night. "From Dead to Worse" is the 8th Sookie book and marks a possible new direction in the series. Quite a few loose ends are snipped and tied off. A few characters exit the stage, a few characters arrive on stage and Eric regains his memory.....that tidbit alone is quite delicious. We learn more about Sookie's ancestry, that was quite the curve ball, even though Harris alluded to some 'otherworldly' blood running through Sookie's southern veins. When I finished the book I felt Harris reached the point in her storytelling where she needed to shake up Sookie's world, inject some fresh blood and she did just that.
All in all, I really had fun reading this book.....I'm still rooting for Sookie to get together with Eric. Maybe I just have a thing for Vikings, but he beats old Bill Compton for a love interest fangs down. I've become quite a bit obsessed about when the HBO series based on these books will debut. I'm still not sure about the Anna Paquin as Sookie thing, but the guy they cast as Eric is 'spot on.' "True Blood" is the series title and from all indications it should arrive sometime this fall. You know where I'll be....yep, bowl of popcorn, butt planted on sofa, feet on coffee table, kids banished to their rooms so mom can commune with Harris' delightful characters via Alan Ball's interpretation.
I also picked up Jeaniene Frost's latest book...."One Foot in the Grave." I wasn't as enamored with this one. It was good, but I haven't quite put my finger on why I didn't really enjoy it with the same gusto as I did Frost's first one. It felt a bit 'trite' , but that might be too harsh. I'll have to think about it some more and post again on that one.
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