Random thoughts on my writing journey, what I'm reading, my family, and my community. All before that first cup of coffee.
Friday, May 30, 2008
back home in Cville
Now that life is starting to swing into summer time mode, the oldest kidlet and I have been out every morning for her three mile run. I bike it while she runs it. She is gearing up for soccer tryouts. Then we get the dog and take him for a walk for the cool down portion....gosh, I feel so healthy!
Today we are headed out to purchase the appropriate gift for the DH as it is his birthday tomorrow. Yep, going to get the man a fire pit from Target or Home Depot. That way we can all enjoy smores on the patio. Don't you just love gifts that the whole family can enjoy? It is one of the benefits of being married with kids.
On the reading and writing front, been doing a lot of the first and none of the second. Even my mother gave me grief about my lack of creativity. I am reading the latest Bernard Cornwell story about his macho man, warrior lord extraordinaire, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Gosh, I just love that character. Cornwell weaves one hell of a tale....haven't read a book by him that I didn't enjoy from start to finish.
Better round up the kiddoes and head out. I'm buying them lunch as well.
Friday, May 23, 2008
i'm outta here
So, Kim, per your request I'm heaving a big old jug of Corky's sauce your way....catch! Did you get a note from Kristi...she's in San Antonio now:)
Dwight...hope the hangover lifts and the work load in CLE lightens.
Off to finish packing! Yippee....summer dead ahead.
Monday, May 19, 2008
all things Eleanor

Friday, May 16, 2008
'ranger up' recap
No editing this week.
No writing done either.
Read three books.
Helped oldest kid polish two projects, one on the Wizard of Oz and one on the Civil War. I refrained from rewriting and just wielded a lethal red pen.
Kept middle kid and oldest kid from snipping at each other....good lord, the hormones are killing me.
Watched a shitload of soccer games.
Watched the youngest kid's field day events.
Steered as clear of the bookstore as I possibly could and didn't feel one bit guilty.
Ate way too much.
Trying to 'ranger up' as my brother says and not bitch or whine about my total lack of motivation. My problem. Mine to solve. Maybe a vacation would help. The batteries are pretty tapped out.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
sookie is back

Friday, May 9, 2008
baby steps and comfort food and or movies
On another front, you ever notice we all have our comfort food, place of last resort, niche? And it goes beyond stuffing ourselves with grilled cheese, potato soup or pot roast.
My neighbor/friend and I had lunch yesterday at her house while watching "27 Dresses." I'm not a Grey's Anatomy viewer, so my exposure to Katherine Heigl is very limited, but I loved her in this movie. I loved the movie. Definitely not a cinematic masterpiece, but more like the movie version of comfort food. It had everything I needed....a sympathetic heroine, a cute male writer possible love interest (James Marsden is very easy on the eyes) , a snarky best friend, a bitchy sister and Elton John's song, Benny and the Jets. Just like a big old bowl of homemade mac-n-cheese, what is not to enjoy?
Sometimes we don't need the Oscar winning performance, script etc. Sometimes we just need cute, comfortable and easy. What a great rainy day movie.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
the red queen's daughter

Last week when I browsed the library's online catalog I stumbled across this book while searching for an adult mystery series set in Elizabethan England. As it was a YA book, a new release and had a wonderful cover....yep, I put it on my list to check out the next day.
Here is where I let you in on one of my foibles. I read the back of the book first. I love to read author's notes etc before I read the story itself. When I learned that the heroine was inspired by Katherine Parr's daughter who died when she was only two, I was hooked. Parr was Henry VIII last queen and she was one of the women who helped to raise Elizabeth. The future queen looked kindly upon Parr's surrogate mothering. Parr's husband after Henry's death was a Seymour...who eventually lost his head for treason.
"The Red Queen's Daughter" by Jacqueline Kosolov is a revisionist historical fiction story blended with just the right amount of magic to make it firmly straddle the fantasy/history genre.
Mary Seymour is a delightful character whose destiny is to serve as a white witch and help restore balance to the land via Elizabeth's reign. Her trusty guide is a white Borzoi hound named Perseus and her mentor is a woman named Lady Strange. Of course once Mary arrives at court a variety of obstacles interfere with her 'job' including a cousin who manages to capture her heart even though his purpose at court is dark in nature. Assorted other historical characters dot the novel including Lord Dudley and Elizabeth herself.
When I read these YA stories that blend history and fiction, with a larger dose of fiction, I always hope that they might inspire the reader to investigate the actual history behind the novel.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
name of the wind

Thursday, May 1, 2008
rothfuss and the to be read pile
The library fell victim to my need to read this week. I've checked out two YA books, two cozy mysteries (Aunt Dimity stories) and one historical mystery. Not sure what possessed me, but the nice weather and the image of my lawn chair did influence me to some extent.
As soccer season winds down, it escalates. One of those weird things about spring sports. I may be camped out in the van quite a bit until school ends. The perfect time to read.