Monday, April 14, 2008

girls in trucks and the to be read pile

I'm so not one of the east coast intellectual types, but I do get the New Yorker and have been a faithful subscriber for about four years now. If I'm lucky, I may get to read one full article an issue. This month, I sat down, mug of java by my side, and read a great piece on George Clooney. What is not to enjoy in that:) Yowsa...

I do manage to flip through the magazine, snicker at the cartoons and check out the book advertisements. This issue had a lovely advert for a book called "Girls in Trucks." I hunted it down while at B&N yesterday, but didn't purchase it. I wanted to, but I'm going to see if we get it at the library. Money's a bit tight right now.....summer camps to pay for at the moment.
Check out the is just speaking to me....I love that dress...the road...the whole look and as it is set in Charleston...oh my. I have to read this book.
In the meantime, I'm reading "Varanger" by Cecelia Holland, one hell of a historical novelist. Got it at the library, it is a two week loan, so I need to finish it before I begin the Rothfuss mega fantasy. I also squeezed in the final James Patterson mutant bird kid book....the final one was one of the best. Now, that is pretty amazing. It was actually a better book than the one I reviewed a few days back.

1 comment:

Kim Smith said...

That cover does speak volumes eh? How's the soon to be out of school crowd?