Monday, February 4, 2008

weekend update

We hosted a Super Bowl party yesterday. About 30 folks congregated in front of the various tv viewing areas the hubby had set up around the house. We ate a ton of food, had some interesting conversations and enjoyed a good game.

Today I was all set to run some errands, only to discover I can't get my garage door open. The darn thing is making some nasty sounds and won't work. So, here I sit waiting for the repairman, on a rainy Monday. I've already balanced the checkbook and am ready to tackle our tax packet.

I may actually get a chance to open the wip file today. Had a few 'ephiphanies' yesterday during church...yeah, I should have been paying attention to the homily, but it was either let my mind wander or take a snooze. I chose to let my mind wander through the wip plot.

But, first things first, I have to get the tax stuff out of my hair and sent back to the accountant.


Kim Smith said...

egads. we are off tonight to meet with mortgage advisors about refi-ing the refi. sigh.

i hope we get it all behind us then we can focus on taxes-gosh, does the grownup thing never end???? i wanna go back about forty years!!!

Dwight's Writing Manifesto said...

The garage door opener only has enough torque to lift a garage door which is properly ballasted with springs.

If the springs snap, the garage door opener will grind under stress.

Depending on your style of garage door/springs this can be REAL cheap to fix ($30 + labor) or if you have the single big spring it should run you around $250+labor.

Good luck.