Friday, August 17, 2007

friday recap

Ahhhhhhhh, when will this heat let up???? It is starting to turn folks into snarly, grumpy lumps of humanity. My family included.

So far this week I've: written and submitted two press releases, one article, updated the book store policy manual, worked on store signage and created an email list for sales targeting the local schools. I edited Maddy yesterday, stopping at page 241. The heat got to me and I had to seek relief about 1:00. The a/c just can't keep up in the attic. Crappy insulation! I've also read a book this week, got the kids to all their appointments on time and chatted with the youngest kid's teacher. On that front, all is well. Today I have to head out for some groceries and then plan on trying to plow through the rest of Maddy.

Ordering pizza for dinner.....I'm tired of cooking. Grilling dinner at 9:00 to avoid the afternoon sun/heat works, but requires more planning than I could do last night.

Good weekend to all.....


Kim Smith said...

I have an eyedoctors appt tomorrow, have to go look at a sick computer for a friend, and then I am officially off to DK for a huge salad and some book browsing... we sooo need to get together -- i am in vent mode again.. grr...

EYR said...

What about Sunday? I may be a golf widow.....