Sunday, May 20, 2007


Wonder if Miss Snark is having any regrets about her decision to stop blogging? A boatload of folks have been posting to wish her well, beg her to reconsider, shower her with praise and basically make it tough for her to move on to new things.

I'm not good at goodbyes. I second guess my decisions all the time. I linger. I hold on and let go real slow.

I'm still have regrets about the library and it has been almost 6 months now. And that is even after I have done so much good finish my WIP. I know I wouldn't have done that if I'd kept working. Heck, I know I sure wouldn't have started the YA book I'm toying with now. Leaving the library has done wonders for my writing, as in I have time to do it now.

Perhaps it stems from my need to 'fix' things. I see what is being done and what isn't being done and want to fix it. Heck, I even emailed my old boss with a list of new YA books that are just coming out. Sequels, to books the library owns...I just hate it when book one is on the shelf and book two or three is no where to be found!

Maybe someday, when I grow up, I can let go and not look back. Maybe I just care too much.

1 comment:

Travis Erwin said...

I think regret is easier to deal with when you are chasing your dream. Somehow it would be far worse to be on my deathbed and look back and say, I think I could have written a few good books but I never took the time to try.