I hauled myself out in the misery that was Saturday to our local Barnes and Noble. Was able to venture forth with only one child in tow. Now, that was a treat. Anywho, I picked up three books while there. The one I'm reading now is Karen Chance's, "Claimed by Shadow."
Purchasing this book was the reason behind my trip to the store. I'd read the first one in this series and enjoyed it. I also picked up an omnibus edition of Tanya Huff's Blood books. The novels have inspired a Lifetime channel series. Pretty fun TV, especially as my girls think Henry is 'fine'..their words and I have no reason to disagree with their assessment. The third book was the latest Carrie Vaughn, "Kitty" novel...got to love a story with a werewolf named after a cat.
Back to the Karen Chance book...as I was telling my friend Leary yesterday, I almost feel like a complaint about the book's pace is similar to bitching about your ice cream being cold. The action is nonstop from page one. No time to breathe for either the reader or any of the characters. Think roller coaster ride without an end.
I'm not sure such a frantic story pace, style or whatever you'd want to call it, works for me. I'm all for action, but after every few life threatening situations you need a chance to stop and say, "Wow, like I almost died back there."
The cover alone makes me wanna read this one... maybe you can pass my way once you've finished?
Sure, got the first one as well...I think I liked that one better. Be interested in your opinion.
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