Thursday, March 22, 2007

fresh starts

We had surprise house guests last night. My hubby's aunt and uncle stopped in on their way home after a month long excursion out west. After everyone left for school and work we had a few moments to sit and chat before they started out. This was their first visit to our home. We've lived here for almost four years now and absolutely love our new 'home town.'

Aunt C commented that we seemed to be doing better than ever. Good marriage, good kids, success at work, everything is just right. We are in a good place, in many ways, but it didn't come easy. We work at it every day. The only reason we are in the mid south is because of a big leap of faith. Opportunities sometimes come at very dark moments in our lives. The key is to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and go for it. That is what we did when my hubby changed jobs and we moved 600 miles from our original home town. He'd never lived anywhere else and I'd moved there as a young girl.

A fresh start is an exciting thing, but it isn't always easy. Like most good things, it takes effort, you have to stretch yourself.

It is a lot like writing. Each new WIP is a fresh start, but in many ways, each new page is one. Writing isn't easy. It stretches us to be better, to try harder, to work and work at something that may never be perfect.

And often you don't get praised for it. It was really nice to hear that praise today.


Kim Smith said...

Man, how right you are!

I swear every time I start a new book I fear it. I fear writing the character wrong, I fear writing the setting wrong, I fear well... you get the idea. It gets easier with every word though, fortunately.

Likewise, it does feel good when the successes come.

You are an awesome mother, wife, writer and friend. And pretty dang insightful too :)

EYR said...

Gosh, thanks bud! We can 'whistle' through this new start stuff together and chase those fears away.