Finally got a copy of the photo from our $16,000 grant to the library presentation. What a motley crew:)
Yesterday morning it was a balmy 50 outside, today, after a Dorothy-esque wind blew through, it is a frigid 26. Just have to love those 30 degree temp drops. The wind was blowing so hard our basketball hoop fell over. Thankfully, our neighbor/friend saw it and helped me to move it out of the driveway. Yikes. Where did I put those ruby slippers??
Off to a bookstore committee meeting today. We have a fair amount to cover, but I shouldn't take more than an hour of their time.
I was a bad girl yesterday and didn't edit one word, other than my daughter's three writing prompts. I was trying to help her prepare for her writing assessment test next week. No wonder I woke up with a headache.
I did, however, finish reading Yasmine Galenorn's three sisters trilogy. Not quite sure what to think about these. The spine says paranormal romance, but I have to tell you, the romance is more along the lines of Laurell K. Hamilton than most. Galenorn isn't as dark as Hamilton in tone, but she crosses some boundaries that most who have the romance tag on their spine don't cross. The books are about three sisters who are half fae and half human. As a result of their mixed blood, their magic is a bit wonky. This oddness tends to land them in heaps of trouble. They all live in Seattle, what is it with so many paranormals being set out there? The citizens of the Otherworld (fairyland) mix freely with us Earthside folk. They are out of the 'closet' so to speak. And that is where the conflicts arise....some bad Otherworld folk are out to invade Earthside and the three sisters are the only folks standing in the way of total annihilation.
The series has its moments, but Galenorn infuses her world with every possible paranormal element and it makes for quite a salmagundi of a story. Can you say everything but the kitchen sink?? Huge lesson to be learned there.....
The first book, "Witchling" isn't as good as the second and third..."Changeling" and "Darkling."
Final verdict, I got these from that box of paranormals at the store and I will be returning them to sell....they aren't making it to the hallowed bookcase upstairs.